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Social Ministries

Social Ministries are those that celebrate the seasons of the church, special events of parishioners' lives, and the congregation as a family. These events are typically without need of volunteers as we all tend to be social. Isn't that how fabulously God designed us?!

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All Church Picnic

Once a year normally a Sunday in June we plan our church picnic either at the local UCC camp, Living Waters Camp and Conference Center or hosted by a giving parishioner.  We enjoy a morning worship service outdoors to include some old hymns so as not to forget our roots and where we started - let alone forgetting the tunes! There is a smorgasbord of covered dishes and desserts sure to send no one home hungry. Plenty of games and activities are planned for both the young and young-at-heart. Most pleasant is the time to relax and enjoy each other's company. 


Graduation Sunday

United Church of Schellsburg celebrates all their children and young adults who graduate from their respective schools. Pre-schoolers, Kindergarteners, Elementary Schoolers, High Schoolers and College students. The milestones of life are precious and a blessing from God Almighty who leads our paths in achievement to assist in the various needs of his creation.


Hanging of the Greens & Luncheon

It is the First Sunday of Advent and a busy Sunday at the United Church of Schellsburg.  Worship service it taken over by the children's play (and some years' skits by adults) and includes more singing of favorite hymns of the advent season. Once service is over, the work and fun begins.  The Christmas trees are set up, ornaments brought out and hung, men head outdoors to hang the wreaths and greenery while inside the completed touches at each window and forayer are completed as the children finish assembling the Nativity on the altar. Then downstairs to the fellowship hall for a delicious luncheon laid out by those who snuck away to temp those of us upstairs with the scents of a perfect family gathering. It is always good to celebrate God.


Seder Service

The Sader Service is a very special meal prepared by our pastor and presented along with 2 additional parishioners representing the formality of the occasion. This special meal during Holy Week is a very reflective way in attaining the attitude of the seriousness of that week in history. This week of remembrance that only God's son, Jesus, by his death, could free us from the bondage of sin so that we can have everlasting life with God our Father.  'Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread...' Exodus 23:15, ref. Exodus chapter 12


Corn Boil

Put your teeth in and get over to our corn boil!  Delicious corn donated by a member's farming relative, this event is normally on short notice to ensure the sweetest corn is harvested.  Boiled hotdogs with all the fixin's and anything else you want to bring to share makes this a 'must attend' event.  Of course lots of laughter and fun goes along with this special harvest feast.  'Celebrate the Feast of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field...' Exodus 23:16a


Support Societies

Women's Society:  This society is open to all women who attend or are members of United Church of Schellsburg. Two of their best fellowship opportunities also serve as fund raisers for mission and ministry - the annual chocolate egg making before Easter and the Mother-Daughter Dinner.

Men's Society: These dedicated men and young adults take care of the grounds throughout the spring, summer, and fall.  They take great care to see that the upkeep of the church building is in good order through various scheduled project weekends to include painting, replacing, repairing, whatever the need.  They host and serve the Easter morning breakfast between the Sunrise Service and regular Worship service. They do a superb job!

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